About Us

Who Are We?
In a Word… You!

Weave was created at an institution by higher education professionals just like you. We’ve used Weave on our campuses, 我们了解各机构面临的独特挑战, programs, faculty, and staff. In other words, we’ve been in your shoes.

We’re not just another software company. We’re a passionate partner, 致力于帮助您最大限度地利用您的评估和免费送2000试玩金.

Our mission is to improve student learning through assessment and we do this by providing software 机构和方案有效性的解决方案和专业知识.

Our approach is to provide powerful software solutions that bring value, not complexity to your work. With technology costs in higher education exploding, we’re committed to providing the most user-friendly software on the market at a cost any size institution can afford.

You shouldn’t have to choose between affordability and quality – and it’s our mission to ensure that you never have to.

看看为什么500多家机构使用Weave来简化他们的免费送2000试玩金assessment 以及免费送2000试玩金流程,并改善每个人的评估体验.

It’s All About the People

After 17 years of consistent leadership, 我们的团队仍然由来自机构的从业人员组成. We’re a values-driven team of educators, administrators, 还有技术人员——他们都致力于简化机构效率的管理.

Amy Dykens, EdD

CEO & President

Amy has worked in higher education for over two decades. 起初担任教员,后来担任教务长助理. Dykens’ research interests include curriculum mapping, high-impact educational practices, learning assessment, and institutional effectiveness. Joining Weave in 2012, she has assisted hundreds of institutions in applying best practices to their institutional effectiveness work. As Vice President of Product, beginning in 2016, she oversaw the modernization of the Weave platform, including a focus on curriculum mapping, as she believes mapping to be the foundation of successful learning centered curriculum and assessment.

Jennifer GrayJennifer Gray, MSW

Senior Product Manager

作为纽约州立大学的机构效率主管, Jen’s valuable knowledge shapes the Weave user experience. Since joining the team in 2012 Jen has led over 150 institutions in using Weave and has turned their feedback into action through perfecting the interface and functionality of Weave.

Terra Boston

Member Success Specialist

Terra has spent her career working in higher education. 她在一所医科大学的学生服务处工作了三年. Prior to that, she worked three years in enrollment services at a small college where she was able to assist in tracking enrollment trends to evaluate and develop new practices. She is passionate about the opportunity to serve institutions in discovering ways Weave can best work for each of their unique needs.

BoutsakisVag Boutsakis

Lead Product Developer, UI/UX

拥有超过15年的编程和开发经验, Vag is a critical part of Weave’s software. His skill for creating attractive and intuitive interface that is also powerful for institutions has helped thousands of users in their IE work. He has a knack for anticipating end user experience and creating workflows that are productive yet easy to use.

Jordan DentonJordan Day

Director, Community Engagement

Contributing to higher education for ten years, Jordan spent her first five years in assessment working with faculty and staff to create meaningful assessment plans and supporting the institution in best telling their story. 作为Weave团队的一员,她继续着同样伟大的工作, assisting assessment and accreditation leaders from hundreds of institutions with their initiatives. 她的热情包括评估、免费送2000试玩金、卓越服务和社区建设.

Jeremy Fairley

Member Success Specialist

在过去的13年里,杰里米一直是一名教师. 他在定制信息以适应独特的个人需求的艺术和科学方面很有经验. 他很高兴能带来他在课程开发方面的经验和知识, implementation and assessment to the Weave team. Jeremy致力于让每个用户的体验变得简单实用. 在业余时间,他喜欢露营和教瑜伽,以增强身心和社区.

Laura Francabandera

Director, Security and Compliance

劳拉是一位有十多年工作经验的信息专业人士. 她倡导网络可访问性,喜欢帮助机构满足他们的合规需求. Laura has written extensively on accessibility in higher education and loves bringing that passion to information security at Weave.

Brian LodisBrian Lodis

Senior UX Designer

拥有超过16年的设计经验,Brian在我们的解决方案中改善了Weave的体验. He is involved in working with higher education professionals on how Weave can solve challenges of IE work through an intuitive interface. His creative perspective ensures that Weave users navigate through best-practice workflows flexible for any type of institution.

George Nikitakis

Front End Developer

George is an enthusiastic developer. His passions include exploring new technologies and innovative solutions while staying current with the latest trends and advancements in the field. George对Weave的贡献为会员提供了现代和直观的用户体验.

Dan Powell


Dan Powell拥有超过25年的创业、管理、架构和开发经验. 他的大部分职业生涯都在解决大规模数据问题, focusing on high-volume data processing, web and mobile systems.

Victor RiveraVictor Rivera

Director, Product Experience

Victor has a long track record of excellent customer service experience at two large companies prior to joining Weave in 2018. He strives to give the most accurate and professional service possible through thoughtful questions and careful listening.

M VelonakisMike Velonakis

UX/UI Developer

Mike在多个行业的前端开发方面有着丰富的经验. 他喜欢有条不紊、前后一致的工作方式,总是把最好的用户体验放在心上. His perception of the workflow of each part of the project and the attention to detail helps users maintain an excellent user experience.

Weave Knowledge Center Experts

BiscotteDr. Stephen Biscotte, PhD

Director of General Education,
Virginia Tech

Dr. Biscotte的大部分专业研究都致力于通识教育. 他曾做过各种演讲,并主持了有关创新结构的讲习班, university reform efforts, and program evaluation both locally and nationally. Prior to his role at Virginia Tech, 他教了10年的高中解剖学和生理学课程, biology, and physical science.

Dr. Joseph D. Levy, EdD

AVP of Accreditation and Quality Improvement,
Excelsior University

在多种机构类型的评估工作中经验丰富. Joseph D. Levy是学生事务评估领导(SAAL)董事会成员, 主持“学生事务应用与领导评估”公开课, 并且是国家学习成果评估研究所(NILOA)的认可演讲者. Joe earned a BA in English from Baldwin-Wallace College, 科罗拉多州立大学高等教育学生事务硕士, and his Ed.D. 国立路易斯大学高等教育领导学硕士.

Anthony Marziliano, MS

St. John’s University

With 10+ years of higher education assessment experience, 安东尼管理所有的评估工作流程,并领导奖学金和出版工作. His research includes higher education assessment, qualitative methods for improved student learning, goal achievement and outcomes, and quantitative statistical analysis of student learning.

Dr. Kristen McIntyre, PhD

Professor | Provost’s Faculty Associate in Assessment
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Kristen A. McIntyre (Ph.D.美国北达科他州立大学(North Dakota State University)教授 Department of Applied Communication at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and serves as the Provost’s Faculty Associate in Assessment. 她指导ACOM 1300:传播导论课程以及 UA-Little Rock Communication Skills Center.

Joy Medford, MBA

Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness,
Angelina College

Ms. Row works closely with department chairs and division directors to create assessment plans that allow faculty and staff to evaluate and present their work for many purposes other than accreditation.

Tisha ParedesDr. Tisha Paredes, PhD

Author, Speaker, Consultant

Dr. Paredes started in 2005 as a graduate assistant in the IE office and has held several positions there. In her former role, she worked closely with faculty and staff in creating assessment plans and reports as well as monitoring SACSCOC standards for the institution. Tisha is an experienced presenter, consultant, and author.

Linda SuskieLinda Suskie

Author, Speaker, Consultant

Linda Suskie is an internationally recognized consultant, writer, speaker, 和教育家在广泛的高等教育评估和免费送2000试玩金的主题. Her books include Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide是关于高等教育评估的畅销书之一 质量的五个方面:免费送2000试玩金和问责的常识指南.

琳达在中部州高等教育委员会做了七年的副主席. 她的高等教育经历包括评估工作, institutional research, strategic planning, and quality management.

琳达教授过本科生和研究生的评估课程, educational research methods, writing, statistics, and developmental mathematics. She holds a bachelor’s degree in quantitative studies from Johns Hopkins University and a master’s in educational measurement and statistics from the University of Iowa.

Tancy Vandecar-BurdinTancy Vandecar-Burdin

Director, Social Science Research Center,
Old Dominion University

Dr. Tancy Vandecar-Burdin is the Director of the Social Science Research Center (SSRC) at Old Dominion University. 她有超过20年的调查研究经验(包括电话调查), mail, 和网络调查),以及进行焦点小组和访谈. She works with faculty and other research partners to support their research and data collection needs and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the SSRC’s operations, 同时担任大多数SSRC项目的项目经理或首席研究员. Dr. Vandecar-Burdin also serves as the chair of the ODU Institutional Review Board and is a member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), the American Evaluation Association (AEA), 以及学术调查研究组织协会(AASRO).

Ray Van DykeDr. Ray Van Dyke, EdD

Senior Vice President Emeritus,
Weave Academy

Ray is an IE professional with decades of hands-on experience in the field of institutional research, planning and assessment. He was the founding Director of Weave Academy.

accreditation and assessment knowledge center

Our History

Continuous improvement is in our DNA. It’s who we are.

Since our founding in 2006, Weave一直致力于不懈的追求,不断改进. 多年来,我们一直在不断发展我们的解决方案和能力.

Weave Timeline


WEAVEonline诞生于弗吉尼亚联邦大学校园. A team of dedicated assessment professionals decided to develop a Web-based technology solution to solve the difficult challenges in academic assessment.

Performance Cloud / Academic Effect

Weave开始设计和开发一个综合性的机构平台. That framework was released at the Weave Connections Assessment Conference held at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA.


我们结合了两个世界的精华,回归了我们的根源和名字Weave. After more than a decade and 500+ members, Weave is currently offering its fourth generation of software applications designed by a team of educational professionals with years of on-campus experiences.

Our Collaborative Community

我们明白,单靠软件是不足以改善结果的. Our goal is to bring people together both within their existing communities and as part of a larger Weave community. This extended community is comprised of assessment and planning professionals from colleges and universities from around the world who share best practices, tips, and advice with each other.

我们很幸运能在这样一个领域工作,我们软件的用户可以与我们分享他们的想法. 它使我们能够不断地为每个人改进我们的工具. As members of the Weave team,我们的工作是保持这种反馈文化,帮助我们更好地为Weave用户家庭服务.